Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has confirmed that she has tested negative for Covid-19. She released a statement on social media and informed everyone. In her statement, she thanked her sister Karisma Kapoor for being there for the family and her husband Saif Ali Khan for being ‘so patient’.
Towards the end, She also mentioned that she will now kiss her babies, Taimur and Jeh ‘like never before. Her statement read, “I have tested negative for Covid-19. Thank you to my darling sister for being our anchor through this nightmare
My BFF Amrita we did this… my darling friends and family, my Poonie, Naina, and everyone for praying… My fans for your DMs… The BMC for being so amazing and prompt… SRI Dr. Avinash Phadke Labs for being the best… And lastly my dear husband for being so patient to be locked in a hotel room… away from his family. Merry Christmas everybody. stay safe! Ok, bye has to kiss my babies like never before – Kareena Kapoor Khan.” Have a look:
Meanwhile, her Covid-19 sample which was sent for genome sequencing amid the Omicron scare has also tested negative. The BMC confirmed the same to ANI, “Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan’s genome sequencing report for Omicron is negative.”