Kundali Bhagya actor Shraddha Arya is all set to tie the knot on November 16. The actor had her mehendi ceremony on Monday.
The pre-wedding festivites for actor Shraddha Arya are in full swing. The actor on Monday hosted mehendi ceremony, which was attended by her friends and family members. She also shared a picture on her Instagram account in which she flaunted her mehendi and her engagement ring. “The Easiest YES I’ve ever said!” Shraddha wrote. The Kundali Bhagya actor is all set to tie the knot in Delhi on November 16.
As soon as she shared the photos, her friends from the industry dropped comments congratulating the bride-to-be. “Congratulations my love,” wrote Mouni Roy, while Arjit Taneja, Ankita Lokhande, Himanshu Malhotra, Vinny Arora Dhoopar and Amruta Khanvilkar were among the few who sent their warm wishes for the actor.