Kareena Kapoor Khan tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday and has since been in home quarantine. Her house has been sealed and the BMC is now involved in contact tracing. The actress is alone at home with kids Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan with her. According to Indiatoday.in, Kareena is doing better and is fully cooperating with the BMC. The officials have been told that Saif Ali Khan is not in Mumbai since the past one week and they have reportedly refused to reveal details as to when he will return.
In an official statement, Kareena’s spokesperson had revealed that the actress had contracted the virus at a private dinner recently. The spokesperson said, “Kareena has been extremely responsible throughout the lockdown period. She has been careful every time she’s stepped out. Unfortunately, this time she and Amrita Arora contracted COVID at an intimate dinner where a few friends had gathered to catch up. It wasn’t a big party as being reported. Among that group, there was one person who seemed unwell and was coughing, and who eventually passed it on. This person should have been responsible enough to not attend the dinner and put others at risk.”