Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Tuesday hit out at party colleague Manish Tewari over his criticism of the UPA dispensation for its response to the 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes, saying the ex-Union minister didn’t raise it when he was part of the government. The leader of the Congress party in Lok Sabha said instead of the 26/11 attacks, Tewari should focus on China and its recent activities along India’s border.
“Sometimes, a book with controversies sells more. Today, when a controversy is raised, the book will be sold more and the BJP will become the salesman,” Chowdhury said.
Manish Tewari has in his latest book — “10 Flashpoints: 20 years” that is set to be released on December 2 — criticised the UPA government for its response to the 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes, saying “restraint is not a sign of strength” and that India should have taken concrete action following the attack.
He has also hit out at the Narendra Modi government, alleging the scrapping of the Mountain Strike Corps is the “greatest disservice” that the BJP government did to India’s national security.
“Tewari is a man of letters and he could have written a book on the contribution of the Congress party to the nation. But raising it (26/11 terror attacks) now is strange. He did not raise the issue even after being a part and parcel of the UPA government. He should have raised the issue when he was a minister in the UPA government.
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