Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, who thanked the PM for inviting her to the event, said the institute holds a special place for her given that her college days were spent in the vicinity.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday virtually inaugurated the second campus of the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) in Kolkata in the presence of West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee.
Banerjee, who thanked the PM for inviting her to the event, said the institute holds a special place for her given that her college days were spent in the vicinity.
Taking to Twitter, Modi said a day ago the inauguration programme for the CNCI campus will take place at 1pm. “This institute will augment healthcare capacities in eastern India and in the northeast,” the tweet further read.
According to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), the second campus of CNCI has been constructed in sync with Modi’s “vision to expand and upgrade the health facilities in all parts of the country”.
Speaking at the event, Modi India has reached the historic milestone of administering 150 crore vaccine today.